Sense of accomplishment
Monday, June 21, 2010 at 6:54 PM
Writer's Cramp in on writing, personal, process

The previously mentioned project that was occupying my writing time is now largely complete, enabling me to make a big, bold check mark on my mental To Do List. This is an item that’s been on that list for years, so finally checking it off has meant a not insignificant feeling of relief, accomplishment, and happiness. And it has the added benefit of momentum, propelling me to want to tackle another project on that list. Revising the recently completed synopsis, perhaps? Making more progress on Book 2? Or, dare I say, finally getting started on the long-dreaded query letter?

All three. This feeling of accomplishment and much-needed momentum were exactly the reason I decided to focus on a non-writing project despite the sense of urgency I frequently feel about my writing-related goals. Like any obsessive list maker, sometimes my list gets so long that I need to bear down and get something that’s been on there a long time marked off before I can make progress on something newer. Like a computer that’s gotten locked up with too many processes going at once.

Happily, my proverbial computer has been rebooted. Time to open a new program and cross something else off that list.

Article originally appeared on B. Jenne' Hall: writing and other pursuits (
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